Tuning your drums

Tuning your drums properly is the key to a Killer Live Sound.

Everyone has a different idea of what their drums should sound like. Some like deep, heavy toms, and lots of weight and bottom end in the kick drum, while others like to emphasise the punch and attack.

However regardless of what sound you’re aiming for, its always crucial to have well tuned, great sounding drums as a starting point for any live show. There is only so much magic a sound engineer can do with EQ, compression and gates, and both you and him will have a much easier night if you’ve put in some time to make sure your drums sound great from the off.

This great video by Josh Good from DW Drums goes into detail about everything you need to do to give your drums that Killer Live Sound.

Kevin McDonough

As well as being the owner of Killer Live Sound, Kevin 'Donut' McDonough is the owner of Thistle Sound Limited and has been a sound engineer working in recorded and live audio for nearly 20 years. He spent around 10 of those years also working as a DJ all over Scotland, is a qualified teacher who regularly runs live sound courses, and is one of the directors of Loud 'n' Proud, a music charity which provides access to music tuition and performance opportunities for underprivileged and at-risk children.

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